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Enabling SharedArrayBuffer Access

Actual requires access to a web technology called SharedArrayBuffer in order to function. Because of security vulnerabilities in modern CPUs, this feature is disabled until certain conditions are met. Actual will not be able to run unless your server meets these conditions.


Actual must be served over HTTPS for SharedArrayBuffer to be enabled. If you’re using a cloud provider, this will usually be done for you. See Activating HTTPS for more information.

HTTP Headers

In addition to the HTTPS requirement, the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy and Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy headers must be set to require-corp and same-origin respectively. If you’re using the default actual-server package as your server, you don’t have to worry about this (the headers will always be enabled). If you’re using a different server, you’ll need to make sure these headers are set.

Supported Browser

The browser you use to access the server must also support SharedArrayBuffer. Recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge all support this feature. Check out the website “Can I Use?” for a detailed breakdown of which browser versions support the feature.